Even in video games their influence is present.

Views: 77

Albums: Brainwash
Location: Album page


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Comment by Karrade on February 2, 2013 at 3:00am

The constant references to Baal or Bhaal were always funny to me in the last modern day titles I played.
Don't forget the star child at the end of ME3, you know where you get to choose to kill everything, or become a machine, if you don't pick them now in the extended cut everything just dies hehe. Nice bit of a programming there.

In essence, from one perspective its trapped people creating content that has trapped them in the past, a cycle. 
From another perspective they are all learning, and the pressures of this on consciousness can cause, like it did in me, a push of kundalini. - Provided they have a creative outlet and thus a way to access to right brain.

Comment by david Aguilar\\\ on February 2, 2013 at 12:45am

we should decode videogames more often. theres so much esoteric stuff especially the newest ones. especially since they are a huge media outlet that targets young people that can ultimately ascend very quickly but seem to get trapped in things like these among other things of course. just a thought


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