I hope I don't start a s*** storm here, cause I assure you that is not my intention ( I just know from experience that people get very defensive about this subject). I would just like some answers to my questions....


So I have been a vegetarian for 17 years (since the age of 13) and became a vegan 3 years ago. The reason was simply compassion. Since that very day I have had to take so much crap from people. I am asked at least 3 times every single day why I don't eat meat. I am asked what is wrong with me. I am asked why I would put my health at risk like that, given that meat and milk are so good for you- as everybody knows. I get stupid looks and stupid comments. The worst question I was ever asked was if I don't like to give blow jobs either, since I don't like to have meat in my mouth. Questions like these- the sheer lack of respect and understanding- is what just makes me wanna turn my back on humanity entirely sometimes. I am just exhausted. There are a few questions that I get asked sometimes by people that actually try to understand, and even I don't have all the answers, so I hope that some people can help me out here.


I often hear people say: It is everybody's choice whether or not they want to eat meat. Which is very true. But I also believe strongly that one choice is right and one is wrong. Just like it is my choice whether I choose to kill a person or not. To me essentially that is the same thing.


First of all the question of why we shouldn't eat animals should be pretty self explanatory... they don't want to be killed. Which brings me to my next questions: why is it ok for animals to eat animals, and would it be ok to eat an animal if you really have to survive- say if you're an eskimo? Also I am faced with a dilemma everyday: I have three cats that I still have to supply with meat. i feel really bad about that, but I also feel that keeping it from them is against their nature and would be cruel. One could argue that I shouldnt have the cats in captivity to begin with, which is absolutely true, but had I not rescued them they would have probably been put down. Another thing is a question about Chi. how does eating plants benefit you vs. eating animals? I hope I can get some answers that will make sense to "normal people" but personally I would also like to understand the "rules" behind everything better on a deeper level. just give me any info you have on this : )


Thank you

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Comment by Freedom Jurnee on August 18, 2011 at 9:33am

Hi a3on, this is a good topic...I certainly don’t have all the answers either, but I do understand your questions. I too am faced with many of them.  I was always taught that if you need to eat meat to survive, then do so....It is my belief that at some point in history much of humanity survived on vegetation alone when the climate permitted, but when it got too cold the animals became a backup plan for meals as much of the vegetation died off...... :(


I try not to look at the people who eat meat as "killing" the animals....even though that is what is going on. But I say this because the fruits and veggies we eat are just as alive as the animals and ourselves....we just don’t view it that way because we don't see them walking around, and communicating in a way that we connect with having a "life". But they are as alive as we are.


...But to me that is still no excuse for eating animals versus fruits and vegetables.


I don’t know why its "ok" for animals to eat other animals...but I think some animals’ physical systems are just made to eat and digest other animals...most of those animals are identified by sharp teeth and claws, a system that can withstand raw meat & blood, and oh yeah and the ability to run fast enough to catch their meal!! lol . And I don't think they view it as we do...it is simply an animal’s way of life to survive.....they don’t go around killing up a months’ worth of food and freezing it....they take what they need.....

And whether or not we want to admit it......I think some animals were made for the purpose of being eaten by other animals.... that part is hard for me to swallow too.... When I am watching a nature show and I watch lions attack giraffes it seems so sad...but the lions have no bad intentions, they just need to eat and feed their family. And then we also have some animals that are a part of the cleanup committee.... like the vultures and hyenas that devour carcasses and remains that a lot of other animals would never touch, which helps the earth out when it comes to disposing of the animals physical bodies.


And I’ll just throw this one out there…I know someone will correct me if I am way off…but It could be possible that some the carnivores consume herbivores because they need a secondary source of certain veggies and not a full blown primary source…..but again that’s just my speculation…


As far as building Chi, I believe the plants benefit you more than animals for a few reasons. Firstly the plants are alive (for the most part) during consumption ....and animals are dead and decaying. Secondly fruits and veggies are much lighter in form than the animals that we eat. This makes plants easier to digest and convert into energy. And last (well the last thing that came to my mind) the energy we receive from the things we eat is passed on. While listening to an esoteric radio show a few weeks back, it was mentioned that if an animal was tortured or treated badly before killed, and then we consume it, we too share those experiences.....which can affect the building of our Chi greatly. 


Hopefully this answers at least 1 of your questions:).....thank you for posting such a great discussion topic! WBV.



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