Hello whomever may read this,
I have astral projected and had lucid dreams many times. I have seen many things that don't exist in this reality, I've been through some sort of worm hole into some far of planets, I have brought energy back from said far planets. One thing has been bugging me. I have experienced all of this but for some reason or another I could not go to the moon. Every time I tried I would just teleport to the other side until eventually I gave up. Now I am curious if anyone else has had that happen. I've never focused my consciousness so intensely and failed so miserably. In case anyone is wondering why I am wanting to go to the moon I just want to see the dark side of it. Thanks.

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At least you got on the other side. I Can only get so close to the Moon. Hovering or floating before it's Large glow in the distance. It is as if a force field prevents me to move forward. If I try to hard to get closer.. my astral body won't move. My Consciouness has moved a little closer where I can actually see what looks like stuctures build on the surface. However, after a moment of this... I get snapped back and come out of the Projection. This has been some time. Maybe 1-2 years.. I don't even try anymore....do to some visit and encounters afterwards ..that I won't speak on. Good luck.

Hey brother, it might be because the moon is not a planet It's an outer world manifestation put here as a means of control. The moon deals with the gravity field that controls the earths water, so it affects the high and low tides and well as its people, because as you know, we are made of mostly water. That’s a really neat research topic too. There is lots of different information about the moon starting with, ancient folklore or the Africans, Egyptian, and Mayan folklore/stories. I’ve put some here in case you are interested, and believe me the topic on the moon is a really cool rabbit hole to play and learn in.
(African) https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=Af....
(Hindu) http://www.thebuddhagarden.com/blog/chandra/
There' also some cool modern theories on the function of the moon and data that it’s hollow. That might be a reason why you can’t seem to land which make sense about why you end up going through the moon. Maybe it would take a different technique. I personally feel that whatever is controlling the energy harvested from the moon would not want us up there looking around. Maybe its best left for us to research form our plant or perhaps a different planet you've visited will have a good view like the angles used when playing pool.
(David Icke)
Thrive is a video that suggest part of the conspiracy is free energy and the controllers are the 1%. There’s a lot of name dropping in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s
I did have one question for you. Did any of the planets you've visited have 3 suns where there people there that looked as if they were living fire? I saw its animals and creatures so awake that the energy from their chakras looked as if they had a living fire force field breathing through them it looked of beautiful colors. I also meet myself there. It has grown in me a deep curiosity about the whole subject of portholes and outer, inner worlds, lucid or otherwise. 


You know as i read this post regarding the moon not being able to be conquered in the astral sense.  This thing may just be some kind of frequency satellite that controls the vibrations of all living life on the planet.  I just had a thought hit me , WHAT IF this satellite was blown up.  Would the human race be revealed what is really out there thus the invisible shield/veil would be lifted off of us thus we would see these entities for who they're really are.  I know for a fact that when i look at the moon  I can see a blue ring inside  of it near the edge and also on the outside of it a halo that isn't natural looking.  Any how come we can only see one side of the moon when we know that there are two suns in the sky now.  Shouldn't the second sun show the other side of the moon since the positioning of the second son is a little further from the main sun?   

Remember the movie "they live"  when the main frequency antenna was blown up and everyone who was an alien was revealed to the humans .    That isn't a coincidence for them to put this information out there.  How come there wasn't a second part to this movie made?   Makes you wanna think about that.  


Regarding the 3 suns on another planet.  I've been there and the people there aren't fiery looking that reflection is due to the sunlight and their skin is very illuminated.  When i had traveled there  I was in a one manned ship that was moving very fast through the universe as if it was in a underwater wormhole.  When I got to the other side and entered the docking station where others were also coming in.  There was a group of people standing there waiting for me.  They were like guardians or guides.  I did see "my other self"  I kept looking at myself and noticed that my physical composition was allot slimmer and taller but didn't speak.  I couldn't stay there for long so the guides had escorted me to my living quarters where i would be for the time being.  The place resembled earth but the difference was that there was no pollution, everything was vibrant the colors smells and foods were so tasty.  When i ate a pineapple, i literally felt all of the nutrients enter into my bloodstream it was like something i've never experienced before.  There were animals on the planet that were different and some that were from earth.  However, I was able to talk to them telepathically and they would respond.  There was a huge great dane that was silver white in color, i don't like those kinds of dogs but, i was able to talk to it and tell it that im here visiting and to not harm me.  The dog said that he wasn't going to harm me but was curious as to why there's so much fear of dogs.  The children on the planet were very nice and their eyes were almond shaped , their skin was in various shades from chocolate brown to light brown and the adults were well mannered but everyone knew what their job was and was tending to their jobs.  One child asked me what kinds of dances do we do on earth.  I tried to show her some and she and her frinds showed me their dance moves, which resembled east indian/egyptian dancing but with much more grace.  They had holovisions as televisions and were able to watch the news from each planet to learn of whats happening on particular planets.   They did't like what was going on  on earth and was saddened about it.  They had wanted me to stay and it was a temptation for sure but i told them that i was only here on a visit to see the planet and other planets that were around it to experience my experience.    I noticed that when i consume fish, tuna or any seafood my body can do these things.  If i eat chicken it tends to not allow my spirit to leave for long periods of time.  If i eat Beef forget it my system just rejects it period.   I do write my experiences down into my notebook and i do firmly believe that one day were gonna shift up into the higher dimension and stay there and not return back to earth 3D.  Not sure if it would be by death or by other means.

All I have to say about this is once I read your post the vision of the deathstar came to my mind. Is it a coincidence that George Lucas made the death star look exactly like the moon, big crater and all??? Maybe he knew something about the nature of the moon that most of us not in the know would not be aware of??? Well thought i would chime in.....

probably because Moon has no electro mag field like other places.

the moon is magnetic and your drive to get there is non magnetic, so before you try to get there,it must happen accidental...like....dont focus too hard to get there...



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