Hi, I'm new to the resistance and I greatly respect and thank those who contribute to the spreading of right knowledge. I've only recently (about a month ago) started to move forward with "detoxing, detaching, and deprogramming," da13thsun and have a few questions; this one particularly pertaining to water. I know there are a lot of poisons in tap water and any other unpurified, or unfiltered water and hence have been trying to purify the water naturally; such as, filling glasses with tap water or refrigerator water and putting it into the sun for a certain amount of hours, but I live in Wisconsin and now is the start of Winter season and we're not getting much sun and it's cold, so I've stopped doing that. I now, for the time being, purchase this water called Alkaline Water, which claims that it is purified water with added minerals from Himalayan salts. In my research I haven't found anything bad, but I wanted to know if anybody else found something that I did not, or know of anything harmful or wrong with the water, and what is the best water to be drinking right now. 

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Take in those glimpses of the sun, I see Wisconsin may have rain coming. I drink alkaline water. Love it. If you get a good brand they contain natural sources of minerals that help pH the body. It is fine, still I recommend the majority of your h2o intake from plain water. Keep chugging up on that sun water though, it/s the best water you can have.



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